The full and part infrared spectrum of the adsorbent before and after the adsorption reaction and MO dyes are shown in Fig.6. The infrared data shows the characteristic absorption peaks of the functional groups on the MO molecule used in the experiment: the broad and strong peak at 1189.8 cm-1 is the absorption peak of the sulfonate functional group; 1606.4, 1519.6, and 1443.6 cm-1 are the vibrational absorption peaks of the benzene ring skeleton, 847.6 and 817.7 cm-1 are the out-of-plane deformation vibration absorption peaks of CH of the two benzene rings in the MO molecule; the characteristic absorption peaks of CH3 appear at 2901.4, 2817.2, and 1366.1 cm-1 (its absorption peak wave number is less than the ordinary CH3 absorption peak wave number, CH3 and N in the MO molecule are connected so the CH3 absorption peak of MO shifts to the low wavenumber direction) [42] [43]. Both HNTs and ChNTs belong to layered silicate minerals. The two absorption peaks in the range of 3690~3630 cm-1 are the OH stretching vibration absorption peaks of the layered silicate, and its the strongest stretching vibration absorption peak of Si-O is around 960 cm-1 [44] .