Literature indicates how 3e10 ng of phthalates may be foundeven in autosampler vial, and underlines the importance of keepingthe sample preparation to a minimum, limiting the use of solvent,A. Panio et al. / Chemosphere 255 (2020) 127034 2chemicals, glassware and the exposure to air (Frankhauser-Noti andGrob, 2007). To limit phthalates background contamination, wetherefore adopted ad hoc measures, according to a reported pro-tocol (Fierens et al., 2012a,b). Prior to use, glassware and vials wererinsed with dichloromethane, heated at 450? C for at least 4 h andcovered with aluminum foil. Syringes and spatula were rinsedcarefully with dichloromethane. No laboratory gloves were usedduring the sample preparation and analyses were carried out in adedicated roomwith dedicated instruments, where the presence ofplastic was extremely limited, and the residual phthalatescontamination was daily checked by wipe tests. All the samplemanipulation and the extraction procedures were carried out in adedicated airflow cabinet. During the operation, personnel usedprotective cotton lab coats and wear only cotton dresses.