Bei der Entwicklung dieses Möbel-Mall erwähnte ich viele Beispiele für verwandte Systeme, ich habe aus den Vorteilen des anderen gelernt und ich habe dieses System schrittweise verbessert, aber es gibt immer noch viele Mängel in diesem System, die in Zukunft genauer untersucht werden müssen. Die Praxis hat gezeigt, dass das Möbelhaus nach einem Pilotbetrieb gute Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten hat. Das System verfügt über eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, flexible Bedienung, einfache Bedienung, komplette Funktionen, einzigartige Leistung und basiert auf ausgereifter technischer Theorie.
When developing this furniture mall, I mentioned many examples of related systems, I learned from each other's advantages, and I gradually improved this system, but there are still many shortcomings in this system that need further investigation in the future. Practice has shown that the furniture store has good development opportunities after a pilot operation. The system has an intuitive user interface, flexible operation, simple operation, complete functions, unique performance and is based on sophisticated technical theory.
In the development of this furniture mall, I mentioned many examples of related systems, I have learned from the advantages of the other and I have gradually improved this system, but there are still many flaws in this system that need to be investigated more closely in the future. Practice has shown that the furniture store has good development opportunities after a pilot operation. The system has an intuitive user interface, flexible operation, easy operation, complete functions, unique performance and is based on sophisticated technical theory.