Stress could be so unhealthy for the personnel's and the organizations due to its consequences based on the research in recent years. Disease, Stress and Job burnout are some examples of the consequences which come from the factors of working places [6]. There could be a direct relation between job stress and health. Stress set the stage for disease acceleration and job burnout is a reflection of gathering stress making job condition. In fact, there is direct relation between the worse working places and mental andpsychological health which finally sets the stage for preparing job burnout [7]. Job stress could be the reason behind the gathering stress making factors and the conditions related to job. Most people accept the stress making one. In other words, the job stress is for a special individual on a special job. The official commission of Europe defines job stress as emotional, cognition, behavioral and physiological pattern, and reactions toward unsuitable aspects of the job content, organization and work places [8].