Technical case where the load chamber and the pressure force of the actuator can be described as state variables, the control is applied in the form of a position control servomechanism similar to [3,5]. The difference is that changing the position of the force sensor. Pressure measurement technology constantly occur. A necessary condition to maintain the actuator in a stable position variable external load is maintained at atmospheric pressure chamber, to determine its movement. Automatic compensation of play occurs in the value of the known fire, based on this, the controller determines the normal flow through the control valve [10]. <br>In the basic method of force control, the force sensor signal of the position signal is converted to an algorithm (velocity) by modifying the control. It consists of a suitable force variation correction value of the position set value (speed) based. This approach enables the control system to an external force around the position control loop is closed. In control theory, the concept of controlled impedance and admittance control, which is based on the principle of mechanical systems and electrical systems analogy. This difference takes into account the fundamental difference between the admittance in force control and impedance method. About admittance type, when the power input to generate a flow (velocity) on the output, we say. A flow impedance of the object is generated in the input force is generated on the output object. Impedance control is not direct control, but to ensure the dynamic relationship between the position and force. This relationship involves not only the absolute position, but also to the set value and strength due to the movement caused by the offset position. The result of this impedance is connected to the lack of direct force control system, which is necessary in the admittance method [3,6].