Time-sequence diagrams are usual when trying to understand the characteristics of a given communication scheme. When considering the above transmission scheme, is it useful to evaluate whether this scheme allows the two communicating hosts to reliably exchange information ? A digital transmission will be considered as reliable when a sequence of bits that is transmitted by a host is received correctly at the other end of the wire. In practice, achieving perfect reliability when transmitting information using the above scheme is difficult. Several problems can occur with such a transmission scheme. The first problem is that electrical transmission can be affected by electromagnetic interferences. These interferences can have various sources including natural phenomenons like thunderstorms, variations of the magnetic field, but also can be caused by interference with other electrical signals such as interference from neighboring cables, interferences from neighboring antennas, ... Due to all these interferences, there is unfortunately no guaranteethatwhenahosttransmitonebitonawire,thesamebitisreceivedattheotherend. Thisisillustratedinthe figure below where a DATA.request(0) on the left host leads to a Data.indication(1) on the right host.amount of time.