1. The mechanism of hypoxemia and hypercapnia: Various causes cause five main mechanisms: insufficient alveolar ventilation, diffusion disorder, imbalance of alveolar ventilation/blood flow ratio, increase of intra-pulmonary arterial-venous anatomical shunt and increase of oxygen consumption, which make the ventilation and/or ventilation process be obstructed and lead to respiratory failure. 2. Effects of hypoxemia and hypercapnia on the body (1) Influence on the central nervous system: the oxygen consumption of brain tissue is large, which is about 1/5~1/4 of the total oxygen consumption of the whole body, so it is very sensitive to hypoxia. Usually, irreversible brain damage can be caused when oxygen supply is completely stopped for 4~5 minutes. The effect of hypoxia on the central nervous system depends on the degree of hypoxia (Table 1) and the occurrence rate.