The rough sets theory was proposedby Pawlak in 1982 [6] to deal with uncertain and fuzzy materials and to simplify knowledge. In the rough sets theory, humans use their general knowledge to classify the world around them as abstract or concrete. Everything is classified according to its characteristics, and those with nearly identical characteristicsmaybeputintothe same group. This is called indiscernible relation, denoted as Ind and is the basis of rough sets theory. One ofthe main advantages ofrough set theory is that it does not need any preliminary or additional information aboutdata. The mainproblems that canbe approachedusing rough sets theory include data reduction, discovery of data dependencies, estimation ofdata significance, generation of decision algorithms from data, approximate classification of data, discovery of patterns in data and discovery of cause-effectrelationships [10]. The following is the concept ofrough sets theory [11], [12].