Classical studies of conventional white-light endoscopy(WLE) showed that the correlation between histological andendoscopic findings for the diagnosis of gastric precancerousconditions was poor [30 – 34]. However, recent studies withhigh definition WLE (HD-WLE) presented promising results.For preneoplastic conditions, a cross-sectional study showedthat HD-WLE had a global accuracy of 88 % for the diagnosis ofIM with a sensitivity of 75% and specificity of 94 % [35]. In a realtime multicenter prospective study, the global accuracy of HDWLE was 83 %, with a specificity of 98 % for IM but with only 53 %sensitivity [36]. These results were confirmed in another multicenter prospective study, that showed a 98 % specificity for IMbut again with a low sensitivity of 59 % [37]. For the diagnosis ofneoplastic lesions these two studies showed low sensitivities of74 % and 29 %, respectively, although the specificities werehigher than 95 % [36, 37]. HD-WLE with magnification may improve these results; however, the data are too scarce to providedefinitive conclusions [38 – 40]. So, even though these resultsfor HD-WLE are satisfactory for IM and for early neoplastic lesions they are far from perfect, particularly regarding the sensitivity in the diagnosis of these lesions.Conventional CE with application of dyes (indigo carmine,methylene blue, acetic acid, or hematoxylin) has consistentlybeen associated with the detection of gastric preneoplastic or