6 Once the system was defined, the data inventory was collected — that is, data was gathered about the resource use, energy consumption, emissions and products resulting from each activity in the production chain. All in- and out-flows were then calculated on the basis of a unit of the product called the functional unit (here, 1 kg of tomato salsa consumed at the household). Regarding data on production of packaging materials, emissions from transport, fuel production/combustionand electricity generation data from the Ecoinvent Centre were used. For data on cultivation and dicing of onions and tomatoes, as well as the production of tomato puree, previous LCA studies were sourced. Regarding data on production of conventional salsa (input of raw materials, energy use and wastage at the plant), data from an industrial producer in Sweden were used. Data on HPP and packaging were provided by researchers at the Agrotechnology & Food Innovation, part of WageningenUniversity & Research Centre, the Netherlands, and the University of Naples, also part of the NovelQ project.7 The first result of an LCA is a matrix of inventory results, where the calculated values for each phase of the life cycle as well as the total values are presented for a number of categories of substances, resources from the ground, resources from water, emissions to air, emissions to water and products. To simplify this table and get an idea of what kind of environmental impact the emissions cause, impact assessment methods are used that weigh together all emissions causing global warming potential, acidification, eutrophication, etc. (Figure 2).