This equation is used to establish that M is related to Y, as evidenced by b M6, and to assess whether the XZ interaction captured by bXZ6 is no longer significant, which is taken as evidence that M mediates the effect of the XZ interaction on Y. Some studies modify this procedure either by testing whether the coefficient on X (i.e., b X6) rather than that on XZ remains significant or by testing the coefficients on X, Z, and XZ as a set. Other studies use alternative versions of Equation 6 that replace XZ with MZ or that contain both XZ and MZ (Muller et al., 2005).
This equation is used to establish that M is related to Y, as evidenced by b M6, and to assess whether the XZ interaction captured by bXZ6 is no longer significant, which is taken as evidence that M mediates the effect of the XZ interaction on Y. Some studies modify this procedure either by testing whether the coefficient on X (i.e., b X6) rather than that on XZ remains significant or by testing the coefficients on X, Z, and XZ as a set. Other studies use alternative versions of Equation 6 that replace XZ with MZ or that contain both XZ and MZ (Muller et al., 2005).