Srudies indicate that chidren who often take part in coperative programs benefit alot more than other children.2 They are such a(n) conventional family-they must have been shocked when their sondyed his hair pink.3 Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to assess students' ability.4 Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution, or they were moved further away from the living areas in orderto decrease the damage.5 Unemployment has come down slightly, butthis does not alter the fact that it isstill a major problem.MS Smith is not doing wekk,the doctor toldus that several colds has has undermined his health.7 The best way to deal with problems at home is to talk things out calmly and honestly andtry to reach a(n) compromise.8 Darwin's theory of evolution remainscontroversial partly because it hallenges thereligious belief that God created man.9 It was reported the president had resolved to fight if war was necessary,even if it meant destroying his chnceofre- election.10 Ihad to abandon one of my email accounts as it was flld with junk mail.