3.6. Brand Association and Brand LoyaltyAs previously mentioned, we investigate brand awareness, brand association, and brand loyalty from the perspective of brand equity theory. The role of brand associations as an important element in brand equity management has been previously studied [101]. Brand association is closely related to customers’ memories about a brand [96]. In brand equity theory, brand association is closely related to the degree of loyalty to a brand felt by customers [102]. This has been observed in several contexts, including an e-brand study [96]. In our study, brand association refers to everything related to the brand in consumers’ minds. Brand association can help consumers determine the relevance of both the parent brand and extended brands [103]. We believe that brand association will affect brand loyalty in the context of cultural and artistic visitor attractions and mixed reality souvenir shops. Therefore, we propose the next hypothesis as follows:H6: Brand association for a souvenir in a gallery with mixed reality content will have a positive impact on brand loyalty.