阅读1(非立项)课程导学课程通知课程作业在线测试答疑讨论学习笔记调查问卷学习记录学习统计在线测试限时: 1小时10分33秒 总体答题情况填空的简体中文翻译


阅读1(非立项)课程导学课程通知课程作业在线测试答疑讨论学习笔记调查问卷学习记录学习统计在线测试限时: 1小时10分33秒 总体答题情况填空题2、Directions: After reading the following passage. You will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 1 to 10. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice.(A)Whether you were the shy one at high school or the most popular person on campus, starting university is a clean slate for everyone. It's the best time to develop your skills with different people,such as teachers, classmates, and roommates. Your social skills and relationships with people in college will have an influence long after you graduate. Here are some tips on developing your people skills at college.First,put yourself out there and meet new people.You're very likely to make some lifelong friendships at college. But before you get there you have to start by making acquaintances. Upperclassman and the college itself will organize events to introduce you and your peers to each other and the new college environment. For the sake of improving your social skills early on, attend every single one. Second,always open yourself to conversation. Your chances of making new friends depend on your ability to get a friendly vibe across. Simple gestures, such as moving your things from a chair when someone is looking for a place in the canteen, can make you seem more open to conversation. Third,getting along with roommates is a challenge you'd be wise to overcome. You live together, so you will often spend time together without even trying to. It's important to make sure that dorm life doesn’t make you unhappy. You should be cautious about confronting your roommates over any problems, especially if you have only just met. Remember, be polite but firm. The key is to set expectations and clear boundaries from the beginning. Fourth,avoid drama and gossip.As you already know from high school, your social life will be much more pleasant if you avoid causing and getting caught up in drama, no matter whether in class,dorm, or elsewhere. When it comes to gossip, learn to keep your mouth shut and you'll avoid trouble.1. When is the best time to develop your skills with different people?A.When you are at university. B.When you work.C.When you are at high school.D.When you play with your friends.2. How many tips are mentioned in this passage?A.one B. two C.three D.four3. What kind of challenge you’d be wise to overcome?A.Getting along with roommates.B.Starting a conversation with your classmates.C.Making acquaintances.D.Asking the teacher for help.4. What’s the meaning of the phrase‘for the sake of’?A.in surprise B.in order to C.make decisions D.a safe bet5. When it comes to gossip,what should you do to avoid trouble?A.Improve your social skills.B.Open yourself to conversationC.Learn to keep your mouth shut.D.Gossip with them together.(10分)在此输入文字 相册 相机 音频下一题
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
阅读1(非立项)<br>课程导学<br>课程通知<br>课程作业<br>在线测试<br>答疑讨论<br>学习笔记<br>调查问卷<br>学习记录<br>学习统计<br>在线测试<br>限时: 1小时10分33秒 <br>总体答题情况<br>填空题<br>2、Directions: After reading the following passage. You will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 1 to 10. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice.<br>(A)<br>无论您是高中时的害羞之人还是校园中最受欢迎的人,上大学对于每个人都是一个干净的选择。这是与不同的人(例如老师,同学和室友)一起发展技能的最佳时机。毕业后很长一段时间,您的社交能力和与大学里的人的关系都会产生影响。这里有一些在大学中发展人际交往技巧的技巧。首先,要带自己出去结识新朋友。你很有可能在大学里结识一生。但是在到达那里之前,您必须先结识。高年级学生和大学本身将组织活动,向您和您的同伴介绍彼此以及新的大学环境。为了尽早提高社交技巧,请参加每一个。第二,总是敞开心conversation进行对话。结交新朋友的机会取决于您传达友好氛围的能力。简单的手势(例如,当有人在食堂中寻找位置时从椅子上搬东西)会使您显得更开放。第三,与室友相处是一个明智的挑战。你们在一起生活,所以您常常会在一起度过时光,甚至不去尝试。确保宿舍生活不会让您感到不愉快很重要。在遇到任何问题时,您应该谨慎面对室友,尤其是在您刚见面时。记住,要礼貌而坚定。关键是从一开始就设定期望并明确界限。第四,避免戏剧和八卦。正如你从高中已经知道的那样,如果您避免在戏剧,宿舍或其他任何地方引起戏剧表演并陷入其中,那么您的社交生活将更加愉快。说到八卦,学会闭嘴,可以避免麻烦。<br>1.什么时候是与其他人一起发展技能的最佳时间?<br>答:上大学时。<br>B.工作时。<br>C.上高中时。<br>D.和朋友一起玩时。<br>2.在这段文章中提到了多少个技巧?<br>A.一个B.两个C.三个D.四个<br>3.您明智地克服什么样的挑战?<br>答:与室友相处。<br>B.与同学开始对话。<br>C.结识 <br>D.向老师寻求帮助。<br>4.“为了……”这句话是什么意思?<br>A.出其不意B.为了C.做出决定Da肯定的赌注<br>5.八卦,您应该怎么做才能避免麻烦?<br>答:提高社交能力。<br>B.Open yourself to conversation<br>C.Learn to keep your mouth shut.<br>D.Gossip with them together.<br><br>(10分)<br><br><br>在此输入文字<br> 相册 相机 音频<br>下一题
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
阅读1(非立项)<br>课程导学<br>课程通知<br>课程作业<br>在线测试<br>答疑讨论<br>学习笔记<br>调查问卷<br>学习记录<br>学习统计<br>在线测试<br>限时: 1小时10分33秒<br>总体答题情况<br>填空题<br>2、说明:阅读以下段落后。您将找到 5 个问题或未完成的语句,编号为 1 到 10。对于每个问题或陈述,有 4 个选项标记为 A)、B、C) 和 D)。你应该做出正确的选择。<br>(A)<br>无论你是高中时害羞的人,还是校园里最受欢迎的人,上大学对每个人都是清白的。这是与老师、同学和室友等不同的人发展技能的最佳时间。你的社交技巧和与大学里的人的关系将在你毕业很久之后产生影响。以下是一些关于在大学发展人际交往技能的技巧。首先,把自己放在那里,认识新朋友。你很可能在大学里结一些终生的友谊。但在你到达那里之前,你必须从结识开始。上流社会的人和学院本身将组织活动,向你们和你们的同龄人介绍彼此和新的大学环境。为了尽早提高你的社交技能,参加每一个。第二,总是敞开心扉去交谈。你结交新朋友的机会取决于你能否获得友好的氛围。简单的手势,比如当有人在食堂找地方时,从椅子上搬起东西,会让你看起来更开放地交谈。第三,与室友相处是一个你明智的挑战。你们住在一起,所以你经常会花时间在一起,甚至没有尝试。确保宿舍生活不会让你不开心,这很重要。你应该谨慎面对你的室友任何问题,特别是如果你刚刚见过面。记住,要有礼貌,但要坚定。关键是设定期望,从一开始就明确界限。第四,避免闹剧和流言。正如你从高中时已经知道的,如果你避免引起和陷入戏剧,无论在课堂上,宿舍,或其他地方,你的社交生活将更愉快。说到八卦,学会闭嘴,这样可以避免麻烦。<br>1. 与不同的人一起发展技能的最佳时间?<br>当你在大学的时候。<br>当你工作的时候。<br>当你在高中的时候。<br>当你和你的朋友一起玩的时候。<br>2. 这篇文章中提到了多少提示?<br>A.one B. 两个 C.3 D.4<br>3. 你明智地要克服什么样的挑战?<br>和室友相处。<br>开始和你的同学谈话。<br>C. 结识。<br>向老师求助。<br>4. "为了"这个短语是什么意思?<br>A.in惊喜B.in C. 做决定 D. 一个安全的赌注<br>5. 说到八卦,你应该怎么做来避免麻烦?<br>提高你的社交能力。<br>B.打开自己的谈话<br>学会闭嘴。<br>D. 和他们在一起。<br><br>(10分)<br><br>在此输入文字<br> 相册 相机 音频<br>下一题
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
Reading 1 (non project)<br>Course guidance<br>Course notice<br>Course assignments<br>Online testing<br>Q & A Discussion<br>Learning notes<br>questionnaire<br>Learning record<br>Learning statistics<br>Online testing<br>Time limit: 1 hour 10 minutes 33 seconds<br>Overall answer<br>Completion<br>2、Directions: After reading the following passage. You will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 1 to 10. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice.<br>(A)<br>Whether you were the shy one at high school or the most popular person on campus, starting university is a clean slate for everyone. It's the best time to develop your skills with different people,such as teachers, classmates, and roommates. Your social skills and relationships with people in college will have an influence long after you graduate. Here are some tips on developing your people skills at college.First ,put yourself out there and meet new people.You 're very likely to make some lifelong friendships at college. But before you get there you have to start by making acquaintances. Upperclassman and the college itself will organize events to introduce you and your peers to each other and the new college environment. For the sake of improving your social skills early on, attend every single one. Second,always open yourself to conversation. Your chances of making new friends depend on your ability to get a friendly vibe across. Simple gestures, such as moving your things from a chair when someone is looking for a place in the canteen, can make you seem more open to conversation. Third,getting along with roommates is a challenge you'd be wise to overcome. You live together, so you will often spend time together without even trying to. It's important to make sure that dorm life doesn’t make you unhappy. You should be cautious about confronting your roommates over any problems, especially if you have only just met. Remember, be polite but firm. The key is to set expectations and clear boundaries from the beginning. Fourth,avoid drama and gossip.As you already know from high school, your social life will be much more pleasant if you avoid causing and getting caught up in drama, no matter whether in class,dorm, or elsewhere. When it comes to gossip, learn to keep your mouth shut and you'll avoid trouble.<br>1. When is the best time to develop your skills with different people?<br>A.When you are at university.<br>B.When you work.<br>C.When you are at high school.<br>D.When you play with your friends.<br>2. How many tips are mentioned in this passage?<br>A.one B. two C.three D.four<br>3. What kind of challenge you’d be wise to overcome?<br>A.Getting along with roommates.<br>B.Starting a conversation with your classmates.<br>C.Making acquaintances.<br>D.Asking the teacher for help.<br>4. What’s the meaning of the phrase‘for the sake of’?<br>A.in surprise B.in order to C.make decisions D.a safe bet<br>5. When it comes to gossip,what should you do to avoid trouble?<br>A.Improve your social skills.<br>B.Open yourself to conversation<br>C.Learn to keep your mouth shut.<br>D.Gossip with them together.<br>(10 points)<br>Enter text here<br>Album camera audio<br>Next question<br>
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