During the Domotex exhibition, Kelsang's Wu, Ms. Huang of the marketing department, and their Dalian distributor, Jin General, came to our company for talks, the main topic of which was the LVT section. This time their July and August DPL sales are still good, August sales exceeded 13,000 square meters, looking forward to the end of the year to break 20,000 square meters, so with our cooperation, but also full of expectations.<br>This visit to our division, a detailed understanding of LVT-Spirit performance, size, paving methods, uses and suitable places, but also plans to set up a special sales to promote the LVT series, so this time also bring their dealers to understand, after dinner together.<br>They desperately need us to send them two sets of LVT-Spirit watches, one for store displays and one for walking engineering projects.