We are living in this world, everyday there are people who suffered from different disease, some of them died, some of them pay their life with pills and hospital。
Healthy is the most important thing in our life, well even though somebody deny it, but it is。
Without good healthy, we can do nothing but waste our life。Once I was a Child, my mother often told me to keep my hands clean, and cut the nils often。
These words along with me passed though decades of life。 I will never forget it just like something happened yesterday。
It's a good tradition, and help us to be more healthy。 This is just a personal problem, but it's not just a problem only related to me。
Everyone living in this society along with others, they talked everyday, even ate together everyday。
That's our life, also means if we didn't pay more attention to our healthy, maybe hurt others。 So public healthy is the thing we should concern about and pay a lot to maintain it。
This is not just for the good reputation or award, but for our healthy, everyone around us。 Why I mention this problem here? We know today lots of people love to travel and see beautiful landscape, well it's really enjoyable。
As well when more and more people drop by, more and more junks also appeared quietly along with them。
It destroyed the beauty of the resorts。 Also bring lots of trouble to locales。 In short, I recommend everyone here to keep our environment clean。
It's good for us, for ppl。