One (1) Store Room; 3 m x 3 m; for daily consumables and stationary.12. One (1) Sample Room; 4 m x 5 m; with necessary shelving/furniture as advised by the Engineer.13. Three (3) Toilets; to serve the Engineer’s offices (two male toilets and one female toilet) each with:a. WC suite.b. Toilet roll holder.c. Lavatory basin.d. Mirror and shelf.e. Paper towel dispenser.f. Soap dispenser.g. Waste bin with cover.h. Service and maintain, and clean toilets on a daily basis. Provide and continuously stock with all associated consumable and supplies as and when required or requested, including soaps, toilet paper and paper towels.14. One (1) Kitchen and one Pantry; each with:a. 1 refrigerator 14 cu.ft. capacity.b. 2 electric boiling rings.c. 2 Microwave ovens.d. 1 water filter and 1 twenty litre bottled-drinking-water dispenser -hot/cold.e. 1 large waste bin with cover.f. Kitchen base cabinets incorporating heat resistant worktop and stainless steel sink/drainer.g. Kitchen wall cabinets.h. Sets of crockery and cutlery sufficient for number of Employer/Engineerstaff and visitors.i. Service and maintain, and clean kitchens on a daily basis. Provide and continuously stock with all associated consumables and supplies as and when requested or required, including, but not limited to, drinking water, milk, sugar, tea and coffee beverages.15. Temporary car-port shade structures for minimum twenty (20) vehicles adjacent to the Employer/Engineer field offices, including temporary paved vehicular access, car-port hard-standing and walkways.