The performance curves and their related parameters including the local current density distribution for these flow-field configurations were analyzed to show the characteristics of each design [20, 21]. This can conduct to many effects as the membrane flooding or drying and cause stresses in different regions of the fuel cell. Furthermore, the influence of flow direction to performance and its distribution were also reported. The prediction revealed that for stationary condition, narrower channel with wider rib spacing gives a higher performance. But, the opposite results were obtained when automotive condition has been applied [22–24]. Results show that the flow channel design has the most significant effect on the polarization curve. Whereas, the relative humidity of the cathode gas mixture plays only a minor role. The first objective is to investigate and test a three-dimensional and nonisothermal model for the electrochemical kinetics, current density production, mixture of the hydrogen and oxygen flows, and the distribution of chemical component in a PEMFC