A SNCR, carried out inside the waste heat boiler. The reagent used will be urea solutionat 10wt% concentration; A GCT water injection aims to decrease flue gas temperature from over 500°C down tobelow 200°C; A dry reactor in which lime and activated carbon are injected. A dry reactor is used inorder to increase the contact efficiency between flue gas and lime and AC, forneutralization efficiency improvement; A bag house filter; An ID Fan; An acid scrubber; A Neutral scrubber.The Supplier shall design the incineration line based on the nominal and design cases defined asabove and calculate the gas flowrate and flue gas composition before and after treatment for thosecases. The supplier should ensure the incineration capacity can run stably when the rated capacityfluctuates within 60%-110%.Incineration line includes, but not limited to, the following equipment working in series: Crane/grab (1 crane & 1 grab, w/ 1 spare grab) Apron Feeder and Feeding hopper Drum lift and Side door feeder Rotary Kiln Secondary Combustion Chamber SNCR System Waste Heat Boiler Gas Cooling Tower Carbon ,Lime injection system Baghouse Filter ID fan Wet scrubbers Stack with CEMS Ash extractors/conveyors Combustion Air Preheater system