TablesInsert tables as editable tables with minimal formatting. Do not insert tables as images.Captions: Include a caption above each table. Number the captions with an Arabic numeral after the word "Table." Define all abbreviations used in one row at the bottom of the table.FiguresFigures should clarify and augment the text. The selection of sharp, high quality figures is of paramount importance. The author will be required to correct or replace figures of inferior quality. Each submitted figure should clearly identify areas of interest with only enough surrounding white-space for orientation.If possible, the figures should be submitted as the size they will appear when published so that no reduction is necessary. The Arial lower case font should be used for all figure text, and the size should be 8–12 points when appear in the manuscript. Composite figures should be preassembled, with each figure part (e.g., A, B, C) lettered in 12-point upper case Arial bold font type in the upper left corner.Resolutions for line arts must be at least 1200 dpi, for color photos 600 dpi or higher, and for black/white photos at least 600dpi or higher. Graphics downloaded from Internet are not acceptable because the 72 dpi resolution is too low for satisfactory reproduction. The file format can be ,pdf (most preferred), .ppt, .doc, .docx, .png, .tiff, or jpeg. Please submit one (1) highest quality PDF containing all figures (one figure per page).Legends: Include a legend below each figure. Legends should be concise and should not repeat the text. Number the legends with an Arabic numeral after the word "Figure." If a figure has more than one part, describe each part clearly. Any letter designations or arrows appearing on the figures should be identified and described fully. Abbreviations used in each figure should be defined in the legend in alphabetical order. For figures adapted from other articles, write "Adapted with permission from [REFERENCE], copyright YEAR PUBLISHER".