Classical physics focuses on a class of physical systems whose entire behavior can be exactly calculated with a set of equations. Peter Covenay and Roger Highfield explain their predictive power: “Newton’s equations of motion are such that, no matter what the positions and velocities at an initial time of observation—the initial conditions—the behavior of the system is determined for all future and past times” (emphasis in the original).7 For instance, a frictionless pendulum always obtains an exactly repeating cycle, even when we start it swinging in a different way each time. Its behavior is predictable. James Crutchfield et al. claim, “The great power of science lies in the ability to relate cause and effect. On the basis of the laws of gravitation, for example, eclipses can be predicted thousands of years in advance.”8 Clearly, classical physics explains and predicts with accuracy many physical systems
Classical physics focuses on a class of physical systems whose entire behavior can be exactly calculated with a set of equations. Peter Covenay and Roger Highfield explain their predictive power: “Newton’s equations of motion are such that, no matter what the positions and velocities at an initial time of observation—the initial conditions—the behavior of the system is determined for all future and past times” (emphasis in the original).7 For instance, a frictionless pendulum always obtains an exactly repeating cycle, even when we start it swinging in a different way each time. Its behavior is predictable. James Crutchfield et al. claim, “The great power of science lies in the ability to relate cause and effect. On the basis of the laws of gravitation, for example, eclipses can be predicted thousands of years in advance.”8 Clearly, classical physics explains and predicts with accuracy many physical systems