Figure 12-11 shows operational waveforms of theundervoltage lockout for low-side power supply (i.e.,UVLO_VCC).When the VCC2 pin voltage decreases to the LogicOperation Stop Voltage (VCC(OFF) = 11.0 V) or less, theUVLO_VCC circuit in the corresponding phase getsactivated and sets both of HOx and LOx signals to logiclow. When the VCC2 pin voltage increases to the LogicOperation Start Voltage (VCC(ON) = 11.5 V) or more, theIC releases the UVLO_VCC operation. Then, the ICresumes the following transmissions: an LOx signalaccording to an LINx pin input command; an HOx signalaccording to the rising edge of the first HINx pin inputcommand after the UVLO_VCC release. During theUVLO_VCC operation, the FO pin becomes logic lowand sends fault signals. In addition, the VCC2 pin has aninternal UVLO_VCC filter of about 3 μs, in order toprevent noise-induced malfunctions.