With the globalization of the Internet economy, the diversification of customer needs and the modernization of logistics technology, online shopping has become a very popular consumption model for many consumers, especially the younger generation. In the development of the network environment, a variety of e-commerce sales platform came into being, so that not only convenient for consumers to shop at the same time, but also to promote employment. Online toy sales as a product of the Internet era for people to buy toys provide great convenience, consumers can easily choose their own needs of toys, both convenient and labor-saving, online toy mall shopping system has broad market prospects and significant development significance, will inevitably be favored by toy operators and consumers. Therefore, I designed the toy store shopping system, using HTML5 technology, JSP technology, B/S network structure model, B2C business operation model, ASP. NET technology realizes the online market mall system, which not only effectively reduces the transaction link, reduces the business operating cost, but also improves the user experience of consumers.