2. Unless otherwise specified, all PCB’s pass the electrical and connectivity testing prior to shipment to ATS. Bare board testing is conducted in accordance with IPC-6012. 3. Component legend ink is electrically non-conductive and permanent. Markings are placed adjacent to the component locations and not on the component mounting pads. 4. Markings meet the requirements of IPC-4101 and IPC-2221. 5. When possible, markings are to be located such that they do not get obstructed by mounted components, vias, test pads, or other features on the board. 6. PCB part number and revision must be marked on the boards. 7. Date codes, trademarks, or manufacturer’s name may be part of the PCB legend artwork and printed in ink or etched in copper. If a UL mark is required, the first option is that it should be etched in copper; the second option is to add it to the legend. 8. PCB’s workmanship is in accordance with IPC-A-600, unless otherwise noted.
2. Unless otherwise specified, all PCB’s pass the electrical and connectivity testing prior to shipment to ATS. Bare board testing is conducted in accordance with IPC-6012. 3. Component legend ink is electrically non-conductive and permanent. Markings are placed adjacent to the component locations and not on the component mounting pads. 4. Markings meet the requirements of IPC-4101 and IPC-2221. 5. When possible, markings are to be located such that they do not get obstructed by mounted components, vias, test pads, or other features on the board. 6. PCB part number and revision must be marked on the boards. 7. Date codes, trademarks, or manufacturer’s name may be part of the PCB legend artwork and printed in ink or etched in copper. If a UL mark is required, the first option is that it should be etched in copper; the second option is to add it to the legend. 8. PCB’s workmanship is in accordance with IPC-A-600, unless otherwise noted.<BR>