Work from Gonzalo’s group showed that 1,25(OH)2D increased genomic ins的简体中文翻译

Work from Gonzalo’s group showed th

Work from Gonzalo’s group showed that 1,25(OH)2D increased genomic instability after ionizing radiation exposure in BRCA1-deficient cells that overcame cell arrest (BOGA) [143]. These results suggest a possible therapeutic strategy in breast cancer based on the induction of radiosensitization in BRCA1-deficient cells that activate the CTSL-mediated degradation of TP53BP1. However, there are some limitations to this strategy: firstly, it could be applied to tumors that have activated CTLS-mediated degradation of TP53BP1 and, secondly, these cells should be identified, which may be challenging [142]. As most of the action of 1,25(OH)2D requires a functional nuclear VDR [144], it was hypothesized that the upregulation of nuclear VDR might result in the activation of cystatins and the inhibition of CTSL-mediated TP53BP1 degradation [142]. Due to this hypothesis, high levels of VDR might be typical for breast tumors with high level of nuclear CTLS and TP53BP1. This was supported by experimental data showing a strong positive correlation between low levels of VDR and a decrease in TP53BP1 dependent on an increase in nuclear CTSL [142]. This relationship was especially strong in TNBC tumors. The exact mechanism by which vitamin D inhibits CTSL is not completely known, but it can be mediated by cystatins, including cystatin A [145]. In summary, 1,25(OH)2D may protect against breast cancer by activating its receptor and inactivating the CTSL-mediated degradation of TP53BP1 in A-type lamin-deficient cells, which display BRCA1 deficiency, including cells with lostBRCA1. Therefore, some breast cancer cases carry a triple biomarker signature—the levels of nuclear VDR, CTSL and TP53BP1 that may be exploited in projecting a treatment strategy in TNBC cases.Heublein et al., studied the expression of VDR in breast cancer patients with mutated (n = 38) and non-mutated BRCA1 genes (n = 79) [146]. They observed that VDR was detected in over 90% of BRCA1-mutated TNBC cases and was overexpressed in individuals with mutated BRCA1 in comparison with their non-mutated counterparts. Similar results were obtained for other receptors: retinoid X receptor (RXR) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ). These three receptors interact with thyroid hormone receptors (TRs), forming a functional heterotetramer. This study confirms the importance of BRCA1 in vitamin D signaling in TNBC.6. GADD45A—a New Player in Vitamin D Signaling in Triple-Negative Breast CancerThe growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible 45 alpha (GADD45A) gene is important in the cellular reaction to stress as it is upregulated in stress conditions induced by various factors, including DNA-damaging agents [147].Tront et al., observed the suppressive role of GADD45A in a mouse model of breast cancer driven by Ras activation [148]. In addition, these authors showed that this Ras-driven tumor formation in the absence of GADD45A resulted in a decrease in apoptosis and senescence. These effects were mediated by c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p53, respectively, linked to a decrease in c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, and a decrease in Ras-induced senescence, correlating with a decrease in p38 kinase activation. Therefore, the protective action of GADD45A in Ras-driven breast cancer may include its cytotoxic and cytostatic action in breast cancer cells and so this protein can be considered a target in breast cancer therapy.Immunohistochemical detection of GADD45A in normal and breast tissue samples revealed that its level was strongly associated with hormone receptor status in human breast cancer [149]. Normal breast tissue displayed a low GADD45A level, whereas luminal A and luminal B subtypes were characterized by high levels of GADD45A, but TNBC tumors were negative for or had low levels of this protein. Similar studies in 419 breast cancer samples and 116 adjacent non-cancerous tissue revealed that this protein was overexpressed in patients with a worse prognosis in TNBC [150].Therefore, GADD45A expression level may be useful in stratifying TNBC patients for treatment.Flores et al., observed that 1,25(OH)2D inhibited the growth of epithelial cells derived from prostate tumor with concomitant upregulation of GADD45γ [151]. Upregulation of GADD45γ was independent of androgen signaling. Taken together, this study established GADD45γ as a growth-inhibitory protein in prostate cancer and indicated it as a possible therapeutic target in this disease as it may be stimulated by 1,25(OH)2D.In summary, many studies indicate that 1,25(OH)2D may inhibit proliferation of many kinds of cancer cells through molecular pathways including G1 and G2/M arrests by the activation of all three members of the GADD45 proteins family [152–157]. Many tumors and cancer cell lines have low levels of GADD45A and other members of the GADD45 family and, in breast cancer cases, this relationship is especially marked in TNBC. In addition, BRCA1 may stimulate G
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
Gonzalo小组的工作表明,在克服细胞停滞(BOGA)的BRCA1缺陷细胞中,电离辐射暴露后1,25(OH)2D增加了基因组不稳定性[143]。这些结果表明,在BRCA1缺陷型细胞中引起放射增敏作用的基础上,乳腺癌可能是一种治疗策略,该细胞激活CTSL介导的TP53BP1降解。但是,该策略存在一些局限性:首先,它可用于已激活CTLS介导的TP53BP1降解的肿瘤;其次,应鉴定这些细胞,这可能具有挑战性[142]。由于1,25(OH)2D的大多数作用都需要功能性的核VDR [144],因此有假设认为,核VDR的上调可能导致胱抑素的活化和CTSL介导的TP53BP1降解的抑制[142]。 。由于这个假设,高水平的VDR可能是具有高水平的核CTLS和TP53BP1的乳腺肿瘤的典型特征。实验数据证明了这一点,VDR的低水平与TP53BP1的降低(取决于核CTSL的增加)之间存在很强的正相关性[142]。在TNBC肿瘤中,这种关系尤其强烈。维生素D抑制CTSL的确切机制尚不完全清楚,但是它可以由半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(包括半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂A)介导[145]。总而言之,1,25(OH)2D可以通过激活其受体并失活CTSL介导的A型层粘连蛋白缺陷型细胞(包括BRCA1缺陷型细胞)(包括丢失的细胞)中TP53BP1的降解来预防乳腺癌 实验数据证明了这一点,VDR的低水平与TP53BP1的降低(取决于核CTSL的增加)之间存在很强的正相关性[142]。在TNBC肿瘤中,这种关系尤其强烈。维生素D抑制CTSL的确切机制尚不完全清楚,但是它可以由半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(包括半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂A)介导[145]。总而言之,1,25(OH)2D可以通过激活其受体并失活CTSL介导的A型层粘连蛋白缺陷型细胞(包括BRCA1缺陷型细胞)(包括丢失的细胞)中TP53BP1的降解来预防乳腺癌 实验数据证明了这一点,VDR的低水平与TP53BP1的降低(取决于核CTSL的增加)之间存在很强的正相关性[142]。在TNBC肿瘤中,这种关系尤其强烈。维生素D抑制CTSL的确切机制尚不完全清楚,但是它可以由半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(包括半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂A)介导[145]。总而言之,1,25(OH)2D可以通过激活其受体并失活CTSL介导的A型层粘连蛋白缺陷型细胞(包括BRCA1缺陷型细胞)(包括丢失的细胞)中TP53BP1的降解来预防乳腺癌 维生素D抑制CTSL的确切机制尚不完全清楚,但是它可以由半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(包括半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂A)介导[145]。总而言之,1,25(OH)2D可以通过激活其受体并失活CTSL介导的A型层粘连蛋白缺陷型细胞(包括BRCA1缺陷型细胞)(包括丢失的细胞)中TP53BP1的降解来预防乳腺癌 维生素D抑制CTSL的确切机制尚不完全清楚,但是它可以由半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(包括半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂A)介导[145]。总而言之,1,25(OH)2D可以通过激活其受体并失活CTSL介导的A型层粘连蛋白缺陷型细胞(包括BRCA1缺陷型细胞)(包括丢失的细胞)中TP53BP1的降解来预防乳腺癌<br>BRCA1。因此,某些乳腺癌病例带有三重生物标志物签名-核VDR,CTSL和TP53BP1的水平可用于预测TNBC病例的治疗策略。<br>Heublein等人研究了突变(n = 38)和未突变BRCA1基因(n = 79)的乳腺癌患者中VDR的表达[146]。他们观察到,在超过90%的BRCA1突变的TNBC病例中检测到VDR,与未突变的BRCA1突变的个体相比,在具有突变的BRCA1的个体中过表达。对于其他受体:类维生素A X受体(RXR)和过氧化物酶体增殖物激活的受体γ(PPARγ)也获得了相似的结果。这三个受体与甲状腺激素受体(TRs)相互作用,形成功能性异四聚体。这项研究证实了BRCA1在TNBC中维生素D信号传导中的重要性。<br>6. GADD45A-三阴性乳腺癌中维生素D信号的新参与者<br>生长抑制和可诱导DNA损伤的45 alpha(GADD45A)基因在细胞对应激的反应中很重要,因为它在多种因素引起的应激条件下被上调,包括DNA破坏剂[147]。<br>Tront等人观察到GADD45A在由Ras激活驱动的乳腺癌小鼠模型中的抑制作用[148]。此外,这些作者表明,在没有GADD45A的情况下,这种Ras驱动的肿瘤形成导致凋亡和衰老减少。这些作用分别由c-Jun N-末端激酶(JNK)和p53介导,与c-Jun NH(2)-末端激酶(JNK)激活的减少和Ras诱导的衰老的减少相关, p38激酶激活减少。因此,GADD45A在Ras驱动的乳腺癌中的保护作用可能包括其在乳腺癌细胞中的细胞毒性和细胞抑制作用,因此该蛋白质可以被认为是乳腺癌治疗的靶标。<br>正常组织和乳腺组织样本中的GADD45A的免疫组织化学检测显示,其水平与人乳腺癌中的激素受体状态密切相关[149]。正常的乳腺组织显示出较低的GADD45A水平,而腔A和腔B亚型的特征是高水平的GADD45A,但TNBC肿瘤对该蛋白阴性或水平较低。在419个乳腺癌样本和116个非癌旁组织中进行的类似研究表明,这种蛋白质在TNBC预后较差的患者中过表达[150]。<br>因此,GADD45A表达水平可能有助于对TNBC患者进行分层治疗。<br>Flores等人观察到1,25(OH)2D抑制了前列腺肿瘤衍生的上皮细胞的生长,并伴随GADD45γ的上调[151]。GADD45γ的上调与雄激素信号无关。两者合计,这项研究建立了GADD45γ作为前列腺癌中的一种生长抑制蛋白,并表明它是该疾病的一种可能的治疗靶标,因为它可能受到1,25(OH)2D的刺激。<br>总之,许多研究表明1,25(OH)2D可能通过激活GADD45蛋白家族的所有三个成员而通过分子途径(包括G1和G2 / M阻滞)抑制多种癌细胞的增殖[152-157] 。许多肿瘤和癌细胞系的GADD45A和GADD45家族的其他成员水平较低,在乳腺癌病例中,这种关系在TNBC中尤为明显。此外,BRCA1可能刺激G
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
Work from Gonzalo’s group showed that 1,25(OH)2D increased genomic instability after ionizing radiation exposure in BRCA1-deficient cells that overcame cell arrest (BOGA) [143]. These results suggest a possible therapeutic strategy in breast cancer based on the induction of radiosensitization in BRCA1-deficient cells that activate the CTSL-mediated degradation of TP53BP1. However, there are some limitations to this strategy: firstly, it could be applied to tumors that have activated CTLS-mediated degradation of TP53BP1 and, secondly, these cells should be identified, which may be challenging [142]. As most of the action of 1,25(OH)2D requires a functional nuclear VDR [144], it was hypothesized that the upregulation of nuclear VDR might result in the activation of cystatins and the inhibition of CTSL-mediated TP53BP1 degradation [142]. Due to this hypothesis, high levels of VDR might be typical for breast tumors with high level of nuclear CTLS and TP53BP1. This was supported by experimental data showing a strong positive correlation between low levels of VDR and a decrease in TP53BP1 dependent on an increase in nuclear CTSL [142]. This relationship was especially strong in TNBC tumors. The exact mechanism by which vitamin D inhibits CTSL is not completely known, but it can be mediated by cystatins, including cystatin A [145]. In summary, 1,25(OH)2D may protect against breast cancer by activating its receptor and inactivating the CTSL-mediated degradation of TP53BP1 in A-type lamin-deficient cells, which display BRCA1 deficiency, including cells with lost<br>BRCA1. Therefore, some breast cancer cases carry a triple biomarker signature—the levels of nuclear VDR, CTSL and TP53BP1 that may be exploited in projecting a treatment strategy in TNBC cases.<br>Heublein et al., studied the expression of VDR in breast cancer patients with mutated (n = 38) and non-mutated BRCA1 genes (n = 79) [146]. They observed that VDR was detected in over 90% of BRCA1-mutated TNBC cases and was overexpressed in individuals with mutated BRCA1 in comparison with their non-mutated counterparts. Similar results were obtained for other receptors: retinoid X receptor (RXR) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ). These three receptors interact with thyroid hormone receptors (TRs), forming a functional heterotetramer. This study confirms the importance of BRCA1 in vitamin D signaling in TNBC.<br>6. GADD45A—a New Player in Vitamin D Signaling in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer<br>The growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible 45 alpha (GADD45A) gene is important in the cellular reaction to stress as it is upregulated in stress conditions induced by various factors, including DNA-damaging agents [147].<br>Tront et al., observed the suppressive role of GADD45A in a mouse model of breast cancer driven by Ras activation [148]. In addition, these authors showed that this Ras-driven tumor formation in the absence of GADD45A resulted in a decrease in apoptosis and senescence. These effects w
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
冈萨洛小组的研究表明,1,25(OH)2D增加了BRCA1缺陷细胞电离辐射暴露后的基因组不稳定性,从而克服了细胞停滞(BOGA)[143]。这些结果提示乳腺癌的一种可能的治疗策略是通过诱导BRCA1缺陷细胞的放射增敏作用来激活CTSL介导的TP53BP1降解。然而,这种策略有一些局限性:首先,它可以应用于那些激活了CTL介导的TP53BP1降解的肿瘤,其次,这些细胞应该被识别,这可能是一个挑战[142]。由于1,25(OH)2D的大部分作用需要功能性核VDR[144],因此假设核VDR的上调可能导致胱抑素的激活和CTSL介导的TP53BP1降解的抑制[142]。基于这个假设,高水平的VDR可能是典型的高水平核CTL和TP53BP1的乳腺肿瘤。这得到了实验数据的支持,实验数据显示低水平的VDR与依赖于核CTSL增加的TP53BP1的降低之间存在着强烈的正相关关系[142]。这种关系在TNBC肿瘤中尤为明显。维生素D抑制CTSL的确切机制尚不完全清楚,但它可以由胱抑素(包括cystatin A)介导[145]。综上所述,1,25(OH)2D可能通过激活其受体和抑制CTSL介导的TP53BP1在A型层粘连蛋白缺陷细胞(包括缺失型细胞)中的TP53BP1降解起保护作用<br>BRCA1。因此,一些乳腺癌病例携带三重生物标志物,即核VDR、CTSL和TP53BP1的水平,可用于预测TNBC病例的治疗策略。<br>Heublein等人研究了突变(n=38)和未突变BRCA1基因(n=79)的乳腺癌患者VDR的表达[146]。他们观察到90%以上的BRCA1突变的TNBC病例中检测到VDR,并且在BRCA1突变的个体中比未突变的个体过度表达。其他受体:维甲酸X受体(RXR)和过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ(PPARγ)也得到了类似的结果。这三种受体与甲状腺激素受体(TRs)相互作用,形成功能性异四聚体。本研究证实了BRCA1在TNBC维生素D信号转导中的重要性。<br>6GADD45A-三阴性乳腺癌维生素D信号转导的新参与者<br>生长停滞和DNA损伤诱导的45α(GADD45A)基因在细胞对压力的反应中非常重要,因为它在由各种因素(包括DNA损伤剂)诱导的应激条件下上调调控[147]。<br>Tront等人观察到GADD45A在Ras激活驱动的乳腺癌小鼠模型中的抑制作用[148]。此外,这些作者还表明,在缺乏GADD45A的情况下,这种Ras驱动的肿瘤形成导致细胞凋亡和衰老的减少。这些作用由c-Jun N末端激酶(JNK)和p53介导,分别与c-Jun NH(2)末端激酶(JNK)活性的降低和Ras诱导的衰老的减少有关,与p38激酶的激活减少有关。因此,GADD45A在Ras驱动的乳腺癌中的保护作用可能包括其对乳腺癌细胞的细胞毒作用和细胞抑制作用,因此该蛋白可作为乳腺癌治疗的靶点。<br>在正常和乳腺组织样本中对GADD45A的免疫组化检测显示,其水平与人类乳腺癌的激素受体状态密切相关[149]。正常乳腺组织显示低水平的GADD45A,而luminal a和luminal B亚型的特点是GADD45A的高水平,但TNBC肿瘤是阴性或低水平的。在419个乳腺癌样本和116个邻近非癌组织中的类似研究表明,这种蛋白在TNBC预后较差的患者中过度表达[150]。<br>因此,GADD45A的表达水平可能有助于TNBC患者的分层治疗。<br>Flores等人观察到,1,25(OH)2D抑制前列腺肿瘤上皮细胞的生长,同时上调GADD45γ[151]。GADD45γ上调与雄激素信号传导无关。综上所述,本研究确定了GADD45γ作为前列腺癌的生长抑制蛋白,并指出它可能是1,25(OH)2D刺激的一个可能的治疗靶点。<br>综上所述,许多研究表明1,25(OH)2D可能通过激活GADD45蛋白家族的所有三个成员而通过包括G1和G2/M阻滞在内的分子途径抑制多种癌症细胞的增殖[152–157]。许多肿瘤和癌细胞系的GADD45A和GADD45家族的其他成员水平较低,在乳腺癌病例中,这种关系在TNBC中尤为明显。此外,BRCA1可能刺激<br>
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