Figure 6.7 is the cycle life curve of MnO2/PPy composite materials prepared by ultrasonic cell crushers, IS-RPB, and high-speed dispersers. MnO2/PPy composite materials after 1000 turns of constant current charge and discharge cycle, the ratio of capacity is reduced, the capacity retention rate is 93.5%, 94.1% and 87.45%, respectively. From the composite material ratio capacity retention rate can be seen, IS-RPB prepared fine emulsion synthesis MnO2 /PPy composite material ratio capacity retention rate is higher than ultrasonic cell crusher, from the above analysis can be seen that IS-RPB prepared fine emulsion droplets than ultrasonic cell crusher, the formation of composite material particle size is also slightly larger, more conducive to electron and charge transmission, hindering reduction, so the reproduction of sufficient reproduction, than capacity increase. By comparing the ratio and capacity retention of MnO2/PPy electrodes prepared by other synthetic methods (see Table 6.6), the composite electrode ratio of fine emulsion method can also achieve the effect of other methods, and the detailed emulsion method is an effective method for preparing MnO2/PPy composite materials.