s can be used<br>Various expressions of group members, such as salutations, group languages or dialects, deeds, or slang. By using the inclusive "we" form, when S means "you" and "I," he can correct fta by invoking the cooperative hypothesis. When using such in-group tags, S wants to communicate that they are collaborators. According to the data, in order to shorten the distance between negotiators, during the open phase of IBN, S usually uses salutations to express group relationships with H, and includes words such as "we", "our" and "us". Its function is to refer to the co-members of the negotiators, to emphasize friendship and positive feelings towards the listener, and to express its willingness to cooperate further. In this strategy, the involvement of businesses and individuals is evident. In this way, the distance of the ceremony is shortened and the atmosphere becomes warm. Like the following example<br>Show: