I am from the quality discipline of Ebusco.Initiating the 8D report is what a supplier needs to do for having the problem fast and properly solved with a structured approach for avoiding equal problems in the future.So, you should start up the 8D problem solving method using the Ebusco complaint illustrated by the photographs that are attached. Please secure having the FTBCI 8D-report available for Ebusco during all phases.The first thing that is relevant for us is the D3 of this 8D telling us:- How many mirrors will be send to Ebusco for helping your customer and when they will be available at Ebusco (air freigth, we hope)- How FTBCI is dealing and correcting the production process in order to avoid stuck mirrors for the future But also we are looking forward receiving information about the root cause you can conclude upon and your structural improvements Can you inform us today about your first D3 solution?This would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much, in advance.