. The 13C NMR and MALDI TOF resultsshowed that there was a reaction between furfuryl alcohol and glyoxal.Moreover, the hydroxymethyl groups –CH-OH-R- generated by thisreaction appeared to be the reactive groups leading to the cross-linkingof TFG adhesive. The wet shear strength of TFG plywood improvedcompared with that of TF plywood, although the wet shear strengthobtained with the TFG adhesive was lower than that with the TFF woodadhesive. In order to prepare a tannin-based adhesive with good waterresistance, 12% EPR was mixed with TFG adhesive, this yielding goodwater resistance of the plywood. Furthermore, the MOE value of plywood prepared with 12%EPR + TFG adhesive was higher than that ofplywood prepared with TF and PF adhesives