The customer will not necessarily buy the product or service with the highest quality to price ratio because it may not be the best value for him. Certain benefits and quality levels exceed the aspirations of some clients (Zeithaml, 1988). Value-conscious customers sometimes expect unique benefits from products/services (Bao and Mandrik, 2004). A value-conscious client is motivated to seek more information, think, think deeply, and make accurate decisions (pillay and kumar, 2012).Value awareness was found to have a positive impact on customer engagement and price/product knowledge (Lichtenstein et al.). , 1990). Value-conscious customers are more confident in the persuasive knowledge of pricing strategies and the calibration of these knowledge (Pillai and Kumar, 2012). These customers are keen to increase their acquisition and transaction value compared with those with low value awareness (Dutta and Biswas, 2005).