You may sponsor one relative, related by blood or adoption, of any age, if you meet all of these conditions:• you (the person who wants to sponsor your relative) don't have a living relative you could sponsor instead, such as a:o spouseo common-law partnero conjugal partnero son or daughtero parento grandparento orphaned brother or sistero orphaned nephew or nieceo orphaned grandchild• you (the potential sponsor) don’t have any relatives (aunt or uncle or any of the relatives listed above), who is a:o Canadian citizeno permanent residento registered Indian under the Indian ActIf the relative you want to sponsor has a spouse, partner, or dependent children who will come with them to Canada, you must include them on the same sponsorship application.
如果您符合所有這些條件,您可以贊助一位親屬,由血液或收養相關,任何年齡:<br>• 您 (想要贊助您的親戚的人) 沒有可以擔保的活親屬, 例如:<br>o 配偶。<br>o 普通法夥伴。<br>o 夫妻伴侶。<br>o 兒子或女兒。<br>o 父級。<br>o 祖父母。<br>o 孤兒兄弟或姐妹。<br>o 孤兒侄子或侄女。<br>o 孤兒孫子。<br>• 您(潛在贊助商)沒有任何親屬(阿姨或叔叔或上述任何親屬),他們:<br>o 加拿大公民。<br>o 永久居民。<br>o 根據《印第安人法》登記的印第安人。<br>如果您要擔保的親屬有配偶、伴侶或受撫養子女將和他們一起來到加拿大,您必須將他們列入同一讚助申請。