To understand how glass affects the rate of Katritzky reactions, the authors responded in plastic vials with additional acids or alkalis. It was found that the addition of 1 equivalent acetic acid had no significant effect on reaction dynamics, even if the use of plastic container reaction 3 h under acidic conditions, the yield was very low (< 1%), and the abundance of intermediates was very low (< 0.1%). In contrast, reaction dynamics under 0.01 equivalent, 0.1 equivalent, and 1 equivalent triethylamine showed a linear relationship similar to glass microbeads. These results show that the Katritzky reaction requires the deprotonization of alkalis to form intermediates, while the silicone alcohol group on the glass surface is present in the form of silicone anions in the organic solvent, which can act as a participation in deprotonization of the Brensted-Lowry alkali, further explaining the effect of glass on the rate of Katritzky reaction.