Pixel binning is not the only way to increase the effective pixelsize and consequently the image SNR. Pixels can also be increasedby reducing the microscope’s magnification, for exampleby employing a low-magnification objective lens. However,low-magnification lenses typically have a lower numericalaperture (NA) and are therefore less efficient in collectingthe light, which again negatively impacts the SNR. To improvethe SNR, one would need to reduce the microscope’s magnificationwhile keeping the NA high! This can be realized using ademagnifying camera adapter.A camera adapter is an optomechanical element that connectsthe microscope camera with the microscope’s body.The simplest version of the adapter is just a hollow, threadedmetal tube (see Figure 3). Such an adapter does not changethe magnification of the microscope system. The magnificationfactor of this adapter is therefore 1x and the adapter isreferred to as 1.0× adapter