二、主要收获与体会 写论文是一种修养,一个人如果能沉下心来写论文,一定是相对理性的,而且是有一定的修养的人。这次实践我们学习了学士论文的写作的简体中文翻译

二、主要收获与体会 写论文是一种修养,一个人如果能沉下心来写论文,一定

二、主要收获与体会 写论文是一种修养,一个人如果能沉下心来写论文,一定是相对理性的,而且是有一定的修养的人。这次实践我们学习了学士论文的写作,老师在课上向我们详细介绍如何选题、报告撰写流程、资料的搜集与使用以及写作规范。课后我与我的论文指导老师交流了相关专业知识,择定我的选题。之后我完成了文献综述、报告撰写以及PPT汇报总结。选论文只有先要写好初稿,才能去谈下一步。好的作品都是改出来的,不是写出来的。如果连初稿都没写好,然后去东想西想,反复“构思”,寄希望于写出来以后就是惊天地,泣鬼神这样的神来之笔,那往往都是水中月,镜中花的幻想。哪怕你的思想再深邃,那也只有你自己知道,别人永远不知道你到底在想什么。即使你遇到问题,只有拿到写好的东西请教人家,人家才可以根据你写的东西提出有针对性的修改意见,然后反复修改,不断打磨,也许就成了精品。写好初稿一定要选好题。首先选题易小不易大,论文题目选大了,往往会出现一个尴尬情况,自己的一个章节很有可能是别人的一篇硕士论文;其次,题目太大,对现有材料进行穷尽性分析困难加大,稍有疏忽,很可能得出一个立不住脚的结论;最后,写作领域尽量不要延伸的太广,容易把自己的无知放大。所以,最好小题大做。选题可以结合自己的兴趣,与导师进行讨论。选好题之后我便开始着手搜集资料。 我首先学习一下师兄师姐的论文,因为不接触论文,是不会写论文的。我搜集相关论文资料,包括书籍、论文以及期刊。尤其注意除了关注作者的论证结果,更关注推理过程,因为很多时候,毕业论文写作很难得出新的研究发现,句子写得通顺已是很不容易。其次论文写作过程中材料搜集务必全面,否则,在后续论文写作有关某个问题一筹莫展之时,突然发现一篇文章已经做了你做的工作,角度相同,且条分缕析,结论合理,此时只能不忍心把自己苦思冥想的一大段删掉了搜集资料过程中要在文献的阅读上要下功夫。如果仅仅是当做小说一样来读,那一定是浪费时间。只有跟随作者的思考方向,仅仅围绕研究问题去阅读,不断去思考每一句话想要表达的意思,时不时做笔记才能真正消化文献内容。长此以往,这个领域的东西也就基本能略知一二了,文献阅读也就能帮上很大忙了。搜集资料之后确定论文理论框架,把论文所研究的材料按照理论进行分类之后进行论文主体内容的写作,写作过程中要概括与具体分析相结合。首先,文献综述写作过程中要提一下相关学者的研究成果,哪怕是三两句,然后再说他们没完成的研究,论述自己对相关研究的结论。文献综述写作过程中要先浏览一下这些文章,概括一下他们文章的成果,在此基础上再写,便会增加几分厚重感。在分析的过程中,尤其注意以下几点:有一分材料说一分话,不要说过也不要用绝对词。分析的时候要用脑子,不用脑子会出现错误。其次避免出现逻辑错误,更不可以有废话。语言要有层次,尽量把掌握的材料写出来,也就是在精练的语言中容纳最多的信息。如何做到有层次?把原因、背景、主、次,理好顺序,写出来,这就是层次。写作中可以二手资料为线索,查找原书,化第二手资料为第一手资料,第一手资料按照时间顺序排列。第二手资料是资料汇编加考证而已。只要看一手资料的原文,能发现很多问题,那就是很多二手资料不对。要用各种方式引出来你见到的资料,证明看过了,否则别人会认为你占有材料不全。特别是那些大家写的相关文章,尽量写进来。而且对于其他作者不能随便否定的。要允许别人有不同解释,从对方思维方式能解释通,那就可以存在,列出两种方式,让其他人自己选择。研究现状,不多的可以按照时间顺序写,从古到近,不仅列举人名、文章名,还要列举主要观点;然后按照时间介绍当代人的研究成果,把作者名、文章名或者著作名、出版时间、主要观点写出来。其中,先后顺序是按照文章、书籍的发表年月。学术研究成果是有先后顺序的。后发表的,如果结论跟前发表的相同,那就是抄袭。书和文章是一样的待遇,书出版在前,就先论述书。不过如果按照人物论述,就不是完全按照时间了,但也不能按照人物的出生年月,可以按照他们研究的一篇文章或者第一部著作出版的年月来排列顺序。这些需要随机应变,目的就是把这些成果条理地写出来。选题意义在研究现状基础上写。指出当今各研究者还有哪些不足,他们没有研究到的地方,这些地方就是论文内容,就是论文的研究价值。写的时候不要仅仅介绍跟自己直接有用的东西,还可以先介绍这个研究成果的学术史地位,这样论文就厚实了很多。把作者的意思用自己的话概括出来,所有的语言都是自己写,称作原创能力。把别人的话用自己的口吻说出来,这是再创作。再创作的时候,跟原话有区别了,加入了自己的东西。原作者的话适合他的文章,但是在自己的文章里就别扭,这样就不能原封不动地抄过来。他的观点在他的文章里算是一个语境,这个观点在你的文章里又是一个语境。不同的语境,表达当然会有不同。直接抄过来,语句就生硬、别扭。所以说同一观点在不同语境里,肯定有不同的语言表达。总之这次小学期期我收获颇丰。学习了如何选题、报告撰写流程、资料的搜集与使用以及写作规范。
源语言: -
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
二、主要收获与体会 <br>写论文是一种修养,一个人如果能沉下心来写论文,一定是相对理性的,而且是有一定的修养的人。这次实践我们学习了学士论文的写作,老师在课上向我们详细介绍如何选题、报告撰写流程、资料的搜集与使用以及写作规范。课后我与我的论文指导老师交流了相关专业知识,择定我的选题。之后我完成了文献综述、报告撰写以及PPT汇报总结。<br>选论文只有先要写好初稿,才能去谈下一步。好的作品都是改出来的,不是写出来的。如果连初稿都没写好,然后去东想西想,反复“构思”,寄希望于写出来以后就是惊天地,泣鬼神这样的神来之笔,那往往都是水中月,镜中花的幻想。哪怕你的思想再深邃,那也只有你自己知道,别人永远不知道你到底在想什么。即使你遇到问题,只有拿到写好的东西请教人家,人家才可以根据你写的东西提出有针对性的修改意见,然后反复修改,不断打磨,也许就成了精品。<br>写好初稿一定要选好题。首先选题易小不易大,论文题目选大了,往往会出现一个尴尬情况,自己的一个章节很有可能是别人的一篇硕士论文;其次,题目太大,对现有材料进行穷尽性分析困难加大,稍有疏忽,很可能得出一个立不住脚的结论;最后,写作领域尽量不要延伸的太广,容易把自己的无知放大。所以,最好小题大做。选题可以结合自己的兴趣,与导师进行讨论。<br>选好题之后我便开始着手搜集资料。 我首先学习一下师兄师姐的论文,因为不接触论文,是不会写论文的。我搜集相关论文资料,包括书籍、论文以及期刊。尤其注意除了关注作者的论证结果,更关注推理过程,因为很多时候,毕业论文写作很难得出新的研究发现,句子写得通顺已是很不容易。其次论文写作过程中材料搜集务必全面,否则,在后续论文写作有关某个问题一筹莫展之时,突然发现一篇文章已经做了你做的工作,角度相同,且条分缕析,结论合理,此时只能不忍心把自己苦思冥想的一大段删掉了<br>搜集资料过程中要在文献的阅读上要下功夫。如果仅仅是当做小说一样来读,那一定是浪费时间。只有跟随作者的思考方向,仅仅围绕研究问题去阅读,不断去思考每一句话想要表达的意思,时不时做笔记才能真正消化文献内容。长此以往,这个领域的东西也就基本能略知一二了,文献阅读也就能帮上很大忙了。<br>搜集资料之后确定论文理论框架,把论文所研究的材料按照理论进行分类之后进行论文主体内容的写作,写作过程中要概括与具体分析相结合。首先,文献综述写作过程中要提一下相关学者的研究成果,哪怕是三两句,然后再说他们没完成的研究,论述自己对相关研究的结论。文献综述写作过程中要先浏览一下这些文章,概括一下他们文章的成果,在此基础上再写,便会增加几分厚重感。<br>在分析的过程中,尤其注意以下几点:有一分材料说一分话,不要说过也不要用绝对词。分析的时候要用脑子,不用脑子会出现错误。其次避免出现逻辑错误,更不可以有废话。语言要有层次,尽量把掌握的材料写出来,也就是在精练的语言中容纳最多的信息。如何做到有层次?把原因、背景、主、次,理好顺序,写出来,这就是层次。写作中可以二手资料为线索,查找原书,化第二手资料为第一手资料,第一手资料按照时间顺序排列。第二手资料是资料汇编加考证而已。只要看一手资料的原文,能发现很多问题,那就是很多二手资料不对。要用各种方式引出来你见到的资料,证明看过了,否则别人会认为你占有材料不全。特别是那些大家写的相关文章,尽量写进来。而且对于其他作者不能随便否定的。要允许别人有不同解释,从对方思维方式能解释通,那就可以存在,列出两种方式,让其他人自己选择。<br>研究现状,不多的可以按照时间顺序写,从古到近,不仅列举人名、文章名,还要列举主要观点;然后按照时间介绍当代人的研究成果,把作者名、文章名或者著作名、出版时间、主要观点写出来。其中,先后顺序是按照文章、书籍的发表年月。学术研究成果是有先后顺序的。后发表的,如果结论跟前发表的相同,那就是抄袭。书和文章是一样的待遇,书出版在前,就先论述书。不过如果按照人物论述,就不是完全按照时间了,但也不能按照人物的出生年月,可以按照他们研究的一篇文章或者第一部著作出版的年月来排列顺序。这些需要随机应变,目的就是把这些成果条理地写出来。选题意义在研究现状基础上写。指出当今各研究者还有哪些不足,他们没有研究到的地方,这些地方就是论文内容,就是论文的研究价值。写的时候不要仅仅介绍跟自己直接有用的东西,还可以先介绍这个研究成果的学术史地位,这样论文就厚实了很多。<br>把作者的意思用自己的话概括出来,所有的语言都是自己写,称作原创能力。把别人的话用自己的口吻说出来,这是再创作。再创作的时候,跟原话有区别了,加入了自己的东西。原作者的话适合他的文章,但是在自己的文章里就别扭,这样就不能原封不动地抄过来。他的观点在他的文章里算是一个语境,这个观点在你的文章里又是一个语境。不同的语境,表达当然会有不同。直接抄过来,语句就生硬、别扭。所以说同一观点在不同语境里,肯定有不同的语言表达。<br>总之这次小学期期我收获颇丰。学习了如何选题、报告撰写流程、资料的搜集与使用以及写作规范。
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
2、 Main harvest and experience<br>Writing a thesis is a kind of accomplishment. If a person can concentrate on writing a thesis, he must be relatively rational and have a certain accomplishment. In this practice, we learned how to write a bachelor's thesis. In class, the teacher introduced to us how to select topics, how to write reports, how to collect and use materials, and how to write standards. After class, I exchanged relevant professional knowledge with my thesis instructor and selected my topic. After that, I completed the literature review, report writing and PPT report summary.<br>Only when the first draft is well written can we talk about the next step. Good works are modified, not written. If you don't write the first draft well, and then go to think about it and "conceive" it over and over again, hoping that after you write it, you'll be surprised, weeping ghosts and gods. It's often the illusion of moon in the water and flowers in the mirror. No matter how deep your thoughts are, only you know that others never know what you are thinking. Even if you encounter problems, only when you get something written and consult others, can people put forward targeted suggestions for revision according to what you have written, and then revise it repeatedly and polish it continuously, maybe it will become a boutique.<br>When you write a good first draft, you must choose a good topic. First of all, it's easy to choose a small topic, but not a big one. If you choose a big topic, you will be embarrassed. One of your own chapters is likely to be a master's thesis of others; Secondly, the topic is too big, so it is more difficult to make exhaustive analysis of the existing materials. If there is a little negligence, it is likely to draw a untenable conclusion; Finally, the field of writing should not be extended as far as possible. It is easy to enlarge one's ignorance. So, it's better to make a mountain out of a molehill. Topics can be combined with their own interests and discussed with the tutor.<br>After choosing the questions, I began to collect information. First of all, I'll study the thesis of elder martial brothers and sisters, because I can't write a thesis without touching it. I collect relevant papers, including books, papers and journals. In addition to paying attention to the results of the author's argument, we should pay more attention to the reasoning process, because it is very difficult to get new research findings in graduation thesis writing, and it is not easy to write sentences smoothly. Secondly, in the process of thesis writing, the material collection must be comprehensive, otherwise, when the follow-up thesis writing about a certain problem, suddenly found that an article has done your work, the angle is the same, and detailed analysis, the conclusion is reasonable, at this time can only not bear to delete a large section of their own meditation<br>In the process of collecting data, we should pay attention to the reading of literature. If you just read it as a novel, it must be a waste of time. Only by following the author's thinking direction, only reading around the research problems, constantly thinking about the meaning of each sentence, and taking notes from time to time, can we really digest the content of the literature. In the long run, we can basically know something about this field, and literature reading can be of great help.<br>After collecting data, determine the theoretical framework of the paper, classify the materials according to the theory, and then write the main content of the paper. In the process of writing, we should combine generalization with specific analysis. First of all, in the process of literature review writing, it is necessary to mention the research results of relevant scholars, even three or two sentences, and then talk about their unfinished research and discuss their own conclusions on relevant research. In the process of literature review writing, we should first browse these articles, summarize the achievements of their articles, and then write on this basis, which will increase the sense of massiness.<br>In the process of analysis, pay special attention to the following points: there is a material to say a word, do not say, do not use absolute words. When analyzing, use your brain. If you don't use your brain, you will make mistakes. Secondly, we should avoid logical mistakes, let alone nonsense. The language should have levels, and try to write out the materials that you master, that is, to contain the most information in the concise language. How to make it hierarchical? The reason, background, main and secondary, arrange the order, write out, this is the level. In writing, second-hand materials can be used as clues to find the original book, and second-hand materials can be turned into first-hand materials, which are arranged in chronological order. The second-hand data is just a collection of data and textual research. As long as you look at the original text of the first-hand materials, you can find many problems, that is, many second-hand materials are wrong. You should use various ways to bring out the information you see and prove that you have read it, otherwise others will think that you have incomplete information. Especially those related articles written by everyone, try to write them in. And for other authors can not be arbitrarily denied. To allow others to have different explanations, from the other party's way of thinking can explain, that can exist, list two ways, let others choose.<br>From ancient times to recent years, not only the names of people and articles, but also the main points of view can be listed; Then introduce the research results of contemporary people according to the time, and write out the author's name, article's name or work's name, publishing time and main ideas. Among them, the order is according to the publication date of articles and books. There is a sequence of academic research achievements. If the conclusion published later is the same as that published earlier, it is plagiarism. Books and articles are treated the same way. Books are discussed before they are published. However, according to the characters, it is not entirely according to the time, but it can not be arranged according to the date of birth of the characters. It can be arranged according to the date of publication of an article or the first work they studied. These need to be flexible, and the purpose is to write these achievements in an orderly way. The significance of the topic is based on the research status. This paper points out the shortcomings of the current researchers and the places they have not studied. These places are the content of the paper and the research value of the paper. When writing, you should not only introduce what is directly useful to you, but also introduce the academic history status of this research achievement, so that the paper will be much more solid.<br>To sum up the author's meaning in his own words, all languages are written by himself, which is called originality. To say what others say in your own voice is to recreate. When re creating, it's different from the original words, adding its own things. The original author's words are suitable for his articles, but they are awkward in his own articles, so they can't be copied intact. His point of view in his article is a context, this point of view in your article is a context. Different contexts, of course, have different expressions. If you copy it directly, the sentence will be stiff and awkward. Therefore, the same point of view in different contexts, there must be different language expression.<br>In a word, I gained a lot in this primary school. Learned how to select topics, report writing process, data collection and use, and writing norms.<br>
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
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