5.2. The principle of combining open source with throttling:<br>The purpose of cost control is to improve economic benefits, including reducing costs and increasing budget revenue; this requires frequent cost accounting and cost analysis under the background of cost formation; on the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen contract management and timely handle the settlement of outstanding funds, so as to improve the level of project cost management.<br>5.3 management by objectives principle:<br>Objective management is the basic method and means to carry out any management work, and cost control should follow the cycle of goal setting, decomposition, target responsibility in place and implementation, target implementation result inspection, target evaluation and revision, P plan → D implementation → C inspection → a processing cycle. In the process of implementing management by objectives, the determination of objectives should be practical, clear and evaluable, and the evaluation should be fair and reasonable. Only by putting the cost control in a virtuous circle can the cost target be realized<br>