Kong et al. [22] analysed the microstructure of gas-atomisedAl12Sn1Cu (wt.%) alloy powders. They reported that the solidifi-cation behaviour of that alloy powder particles critically dependson the diameter of the powder particle and demonstrated twopossible solidification microstructures depending on the coolingrate. Under certain gas atomization conditions used, powder particles smaller than ~8 mm, exhibited a finely dispersed b-Sn phaseparticles in the a-Al alloy matrix. However, larger powder particlesshowed microstructures of cellular/dendrite morphology of the aAl with interdendritic b-Sn phase. The cooling rate of the gasatomised powder particles is inversely related to their diameterand it was observed that the size of the b-Sn particles was ~500 nmin powder particles of ~10 mm in diameter while decreasing to50e200 nm in powder particles of ~1 mm size.In the AleSneCu ternary system, for compositions where themiscibility gap is stabilized, one of the main challenges in themanufacturing process is to cross the large liquidus-solidus temperature range. This characteristic can lead to an inhomogeneousdistribution of b-Sn particles. The liquid immiscibility causes severesegregation mainly due to the large density difference between theAl-rich and Sn-rich liquids. It was reported that the monotecticreaction is very sensitive to the level of gravity and the undercooling condition prior to crystallization, [23,24]. Even undermicrogravity conditions, a coarse phase separation occurs due to
Kong et al. [22] analysed the microstructure of gas-atomisedAl12Sn1Cu (wt.%) alloy powders. They reported that the solidifi-cation behaviour of that alloy powder particles critically dependson the diameter of the powder particle and demonstrated twopossible solidification microstructures depending on the coolingrate. Under certain gas atomization conditions used, powder particles smaller than ~8 mm, exhibited a finely dispersed b-Sn phaseparticles in the a-Al alloy matrix. However, larger powder particlesshowed microstructures of cellular/dendrite morphology of the aAl with interdendritic b-Sn phase. The cooling rate of the gasatomised powder particles is inversely related to their diameterand it was observed that the size of the b-Sn particles was ~500 nmin powder particles of ~10 mm in diameter while decreasing to50e200 nm in powder particles of ~1 mm size.In the AleSneCu ternary system, for compositions where themiscibility gap is stabilized, one of the main challenges in themanufacturing process is to cross the large liquidus-solidus temperature range. This characteristic can lead to an inhomogeneousdistribution of b-Sn particles. The liquid immiscibility causes severesegregation mainly due to the large density difference between theAl-rich and Sn-rich liquids. It was reported that the monotecticreaction is very sensitive to the level of gravity and the undercooling condition prior to crystallization, [23,24]. Even undermicrogravity conditions, a coarse phase separation occurs due to<br>