The percentage of students in Fullerton Junior College, Fullerton, California, enrolled in classes pertaining to secretarial and office training, is very large. The growth of this type of training has brought increasing consideration of quality workmanship and the development of good business traits and characteristics during each step of the training period. The results seem to justify the belief that our students can and do accept their first positions with the apprenticeship stage of training already passed and are prepared to become valuable to their employers in a minimum of time.Advanced training for students of secretarial interests in Fullerton Junior College is called “Directed Secretarial Training.” Any student whose accomplishment in typewriting enable her to do satisfactory work in turning out a specific order is eligible for enrollment, although the majority of students entering the course have had at least one year of college shorthand training. Special students are permitted to enroll for any phrase of the training they particularly wish to take. One unit of credit is given for each three hours of time per week devoted to this course. Students enrolled in the third semester of Typewriting are required to take with it six hours per week of secretarial training, but all others who can qualify may enroll for as many hours as they desire to take.