The present work demonstrates that hyperopia is an important and distinct construct in consumer research. As part of our investigation, we introduce a reliable, valid measure of hyperopic tendencies at an individual level. By reconceptualizing hyperopia as an individual trait rather than only as a description of behavior, we are therefore able to Studies 2 and 3 demonstrated how construal levels interact with differences in hyperopic tendencies to influence the likelihood that consumers will pursue indulgences. Essentially, we show that construal level moderates the effect of trait hyperopia. Importantly, we also demonstrate that this occurs by altering the extent to which the luxury is seen as a long-term investment or gain and is therefore consistent with the hyperopic consumer’s tendencies. Thus, the present research also provides insight into means of overcoming hyperopic tendencies (Kivetz and Simonson 2002). These theoretical contributions suggest that marketing communications can influence construal levels in ways that make luxury products less unappealing to high hyperopia consumers. Practically, the present research suggests that retailers and consumers can create situations that are conducive to the hyperopic individual’s ability to occasionally “seize the day!” by making the most out of the opportunities life has to offer.