

通过这次为时一个月的实习,我对室内设计之这个行业有了更进一步了解,也为即将投入到这个行业而感到自豪,结合实习经历我总结出作为室内设计师应具备以下几方面素质。 1、有全面的综合素质:室内设计师除了专业知识和技能外,要不断提升审美能力,要具备广博的知识和阅历,才可能创造出感动人的空间。 2、有敏锐的洞察力:对时尚敏锐的观察能力和预见性是设计师自我培养的一种基本能力,站在一个高度上讲,设计师担负着引导时尚的责任。 3、细致入微的追求:室内设计师所面临的是环境中各个不同的细节,对细节的处理,关系到整个室内空间设计的成败,越是简约的设计,细节越重要,要注意室内外空间角色互换。 4、有很强的表现能力及丰富的表现手段:设计师要清晰准确地表达自己的设计意图和思想,让业主能够很容易的理解。 5、要有准确把握材料信息和应用材料能力:市场的发展、科技的进步使新产品、新材料不断涌现。及时把握材料的特性、探索其实际用图可以拓宽设计的思路,紧跟时代,在市场中占居先机。 6、重视概念设计,风格定位:概念设计是对项目的设计思路,它是一个综合结果。它是一个总的思路,包含对人文和功能、科技与材料的综合考虑,有设计者对设计项目独特的认识因素和个性特征,是有别于其他设计方案的根本。着重体现设计中在满足功能前提下,独特个性的植入。所以不要形成固定的风格,但可以形成固定的思路。 7、对陈设品的认识修养与运用能力:对陈设品的认识和运用能力,是创造现代文化特征和品位的居住和生活环境的根本,陈设是空间环境中的一个重要部分,在优秀陈设设计中,装饰的形式美具有深厚的文化品质和美学价值,是人对某种文化境界的体味和追求。 8、良好的人际交往与社交能力:设计是服务性行业,是服务于大众的,不是做艺术品,很设计要求由业主说了算!与业主的沟通、磨合是达成一个方案的关键。只有理解了业主的要求,设计才有方向——正如能够成功的艺术家都是其风格迎合了一定人群的需求。 9、重视对市场的调查:在市场调查的基础上对人在即将设计的空间中可能发生的动作、行为进行一些假设,同时考虑现代技术的应用对动作、行为的影响。因为这种假设和分析会引出我们将要面对的设计的一些问题。比如:流线设计的问题、空间设置的问题、陈设的问题、设备配置的问题、色彩和造型的问题以及照明的问题、污染的问题等等。 10、形成自己的风格:作为一个设计师,创新是非常重要的,在设计中要提高警惕,不要丢掉个性,要凭独创打开局面。设计毕竟是一个造型艺术,设计的发展有一个画图的过程,对个性化的要求是设计师毕生的追求,要不断的在工作中磨练。形成自己独特的符合室内设计规律的风格。
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
通过这次为时一个月的实习,我对室内设计之这个行业有了更进一步了解,也为即将投入到这个行业而感到自豪,结合实习经历我总结出作为室内设计师应具备以下几方面素质。<br> 1、有全面的综合素质:室内设计师除了专业知识和技能外,要不断提升审美能力,要具备广博的知识和阅历,才可能创造出感动人的空间。<br> 2、有敏锐的洞察力:对时尚敏锐的观察能力和预见性是设计师自我培养的一种基本能力,站在一个高度上讲,设计师担负着引导时尚的责任。<br> 3、细致入微的追求:室内设计师所面临的是环境中各个不同的细节,对细节的处理,关系到整个室内空间设计的成败,越是简约的设计,细节越重要,要注意室内外空间角色互换。<br> 4、有很强的表现能力及丰富的表现手段:设计师要清晰准确地表达自己的设计意图和思想,让业主能够很容易的理解。<br> 5、要有准确把握材料信息和应用材料能力:市场的发展、科技的进步使新产品、新材料不断涌现。及时把握材料的特性、探索其实际用图可以拓宽设计的思路,紧跟时代,在市场中占居先机。<br> 6、重视概念设计,风格定位:概念设计是对项目的设计思路,它是一个综合结果。它是一个总的思路,包含对人文和功能、科技与材料的综合考虑,有设计者对设计项目独特的认识因素和个性特征,是有别于其他设计方案的根本。着重体现设计中在满足功能前提下,独特个性的植入。所以不要形成固定的风格,但可以形成固定的思路。<br> 7、对陈设品的认识修养与运用能力:对陈设品的认识和运用能力,是创造现代文化特征和品位的居住和生活环境的根本,陈设是空间环境中的一个重要部分,在优秀陈设设计中,装饰的形式美具有深厚的文化品质和美学价值,是人对某种文化境界的体味和追求。<br> 8、良好的人际交往与社交能力:设计是服务性行业,是服务于大众的,不是做艺术品,很设计要求由业主说了算!与业主的沟通、磨合是达成一个方案的关键。只有理解了业主的要求,设计才有方向——正如能够成功的艺术家都是其风格迎合了一定人群的需求。<br> 9、重视对市场的调查:在市场调查的基础上对人在即将设计的空间中可能发生的动作、行为进行一些假设,同时考虑现代技术的应用对动作、行为的影响。因为这种假设和分析会引出我们将要面对的设计的一些问题。比如:流线设计的问题、空间设置的问题、陈设的问题、设备配置的问题、色彩和造型的问题以及照明的问题、污染的问题等等。<br> 10、形成自己的风格:作为一个设计师,创新是非常重要的,在设计中要提高警惕,不要丢掉个性,要凭独创打开局面。设计毕竟是一个造型艺术,设计的发展有一个画图的过程,对个性化的要求是设计师毕生的追求,要不断的在工作中磨练。形成自己独特的符合室内设计规律的风格。
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
Through this one month internship, I have a better understanding of the industry of interior design and am proud to be invested in this industry. Combined with my internship experience, I conclude that as an interior designer, I should have the following qualities.<br>1. Have comprehensive quality: in addition to professional knowledge and skills, interior designers should constantly improve their aesthetic ability and have extensive knowledge and experience, so as to create a moving space.<br>2. Have keen insight: keen observation and foresight of fashion is a basic ability for designers to cultivate themselves. From a high point of view, designers bear the responsibility of guiding fashion.<br>3. Meticulous pursuit: interior designers are faced with different details in the environment. The treatment of details is related to the success or failure of the whole interior space design. The simpler the design, the more important the details are. We should pay attention to the role exchange of indoor and outdoor space.<br>4. Have strong expression ability and rich expression means: designers should clearly and accurately express their design intention and thought, so that the owner can easily understand it.<br>5. We should have the ability to accurately grasp material information and apply materials: the development of market and the progress of science and technology make new products and materials emerge continuously. Grasping the characteristics of materials and exploring their actual drawings in time can broaden the design ideas, keep up with the times and take the lead in the market.<br>6. Pay attention to conceptual design and style positioning: conceptual design is the design idea of the project, which is a comprehensive result. It is a general idea, including the comprehensive consideration of Humanities and functions, science and technology and materials, and the designer's unique cognitive factors and personality characteristics of the design project, which is different from other design schemes. It focuses on the implantation of unique personality on the premise of meeting the function in the design. So don't form a fixed style, but you can form a fixed idea.<br>7. Understanding, cultivation and application ability of furnishings: the understanding and application ability of furnishings is the basis for creating a living and living environment with modern cultural characteristics and taste. Furnishings are an important part of the space environment. In excellent furnishing design, the formal beauty of decoration has profound cultural quality and aesthetic value, and is people's taste and pursuit of a certain cultural realm.<br>8. Good interpersonal and social skills: design is a service industry, serving the public, not making artworks, and it is very designed to be the owner has the final say. Communication and running in with the owner is the key to reach a plan. Only by understanding the requirements of the owner can the design have a direction - just as successful artists have their style to meet the needs of a certain group of people.<br>9. Pay attention to market investigation: on the basis of market investigation, make some assumptions about people's possible actions and behaviors in the space to be designed, and consider the impact of the application of modern technology on actions and behaviors. Because this assumption and analysis will lead to some design problems we will face. For example: streamline design, space setting, furnishings, equipment configuration, color and modeling, lighting, pollution and so on.<br>10. Form your own style: as a designer, innovation is very important. Be vigilant in design, don't lose your personality, and open the situation with originality. After all, design is a plastic art. The development of design has a drawing process. The requirement for personalization is the designer's lifelong pursuit, which should be honed in the work. Form their own unique style in line with the law of interior design.
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
Through this month-long internship, I have a better understanding of this industry of interior design, and I am proud to be involved in this industry. Combined with the internship experience, I have summed up the following qualities as an interior designer. 1. All-round comprehensive quality: In addition to professional knowledge and skills, interior designers should constantly improve their aesthetic ability and have extensive knowledge and experience before they can create a moving space. 2. Keen insight: Keen observation and foresight of fashion is a basic ability for designers to cultivate themselves. From a height, designers are responsible for guiding fashion. 3. Pursuit of nuance: Interior designers are faced with different details in the environment. The handling of details is related to the success or failure of the whole interior space design. The simpler the design, the more important the details are, and attention should be paid to the exchange of roles between indoor and outdoor spaces. 4. Strong expressive ability and rich expressive means: Designers should clearly and accurately express their design intentions and ideas, so that owners can easily understand them. 5. Have the ability to accurately grasp material information and apply materials: the development of market and the progress of science and technology make new products and materials constantly emerge. Grasping the characteristics of materials in time and exploring their practical drawings can broaden the design thinking, keep up with the times and take the lead in the market. 6. Pay attention to conceptual design and style orientation: conceptual design is the design idea of the project, which is a comprehensive result. It is a general idea, which includes comprehensive consideration of humanities and functions, science and technology and materials. It has the designer's unique cognitive factors and personality characteristics of the design project, and it is the fundamental difference from other design schemes. Focus on the implantation of unique personality under the premise of satisfying the function in design. So don't form a fixed style, but you can form a fixed idea. 7. Understanding, cultivation and application ability of furnishings: Understanding and application ability of furnishings is the foundation of creating living and living environment with modern cultural characteristics and taste. Furnishing is an important part of the space environment. In excellent furnishings design, the formal beauty of decoration has profound cultural quality and aesthetic value, and it is the taste and pursuit of a certain cultural realm. 8. Good interpersonal and social skills: Design is a service industry, which serves the public, not works of art, and the design requirements are decided by the owners! Communication and running-in with the owner is the key to reach a plan. Only by understanding the owner's requirements, can the design have a direction-just as successful artists have their styles to meet the needs of certain groups of people. 9. Pay attention to market investigation: On the basis of market investigation, make some assumptions about people's actions and behaviors in the space to be designed, and consider the influence of the application of modern technology on actions and behaviors. Because this assumption and analysis will lead to some design problems that we will face. For example: streamline design, space setting, furnishings, equipment configuration, color and shape, lighting, pollution and so on. 10. Form your own style: As a designer, innovation is very important. Be vigilant in design, don't lose your personality, and open up the situation with originality. After all, design is a plastic arts, the development of design has a drawing process, and the requirement of individuality is the lifelong pursuit of designers, which should be honed constantly at work. Form your own unique style that conforms to the rules of interior design.
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