The core of intelligent manufacturing has these technologies, one is digital manufacturing technology, digital is manufacturing<br><br>There must be models, there are policies, which include product design, innovative design and CNC technology<br><br>technology, as well as product management, enterprise collaboration technology, which involves many aspects of the problem<br><br>of the . There are many aspects involved, which is the foundation of digital manufacturing. It's not simply not spoken of without digitization<br><br>Intelligent.<br><br>The second technology is sensing, the more sensors are used in the enterprise, the more information is available<br><br>Many. There may be all kinds, there may be embedded, there may be absolute, there may be relative, there may be static, there is movement,<br><br>This sensor supports our important means of obtaining information. Flexible configuration, change is very convenient, the technology of the complex is a very important part of intelligent manufacturing.<br>Play an important role in all walks of life, irreplaceable role.