Psychology is very complicated. How can students make the most of the courses and improve their ability to solve psychological problems?Thinking differently, the mental health of elementary and junior high school students can help improve self-awareness. For example, inferiority complex and pride: inferiority complex is actually excessively negative.People who often have low self-esteem, because of the negative sense of experience, blindly reject everything they have, so they rarely think about their positive things [21]. In the classroom, through positive topics and other activities, students are required to give a positive sense of inferiority. In order to make up for this inferiority complex, people constantly pursue excellence. Inferiority complex will give people a more conservative, quiet and reliable feeling. These activities encourage people to realize that weaknesses may also be a benefit in other situations, and recognize that each other may change and see their own weaknesses in another way. Pride is a characteristic of anti-inferiority resulting from self-exaggerated evaluation. At the same time, contradictions have two sides, and the ideas instilled in students should also have two sides. "No one is perfect. " There is no contradiction in perfection, and there is no change in other people. The idea of pursuing perfection can help them realize their limits.