A typical cluster should be able to expand itself dynamically and transparently. Many systems use clusters to achieve high availability, load balancing and high performance. RiT’s Cluster Design is no different. It is based on two of RiT’s technologies, its patented Patching Switches™ technology and RiT’s PatchView™ intelligent infrastructure management (IIM) solution. Brought together, they provide a powerful solution for high-speed, quality based real-time manageable infrastructure. With patch cords only needed to reassign ports, most of the channels are connected by the patching switches, a far superior method to using patch cords.In standard patch panel installations, the communication room starts out very neat, organized and clean. Over time however, as new equipment is added, the situation changes. The room becomes increasingly cramped and more difficult to keep organized. In an organization with thousands of users, for example, the communication room is so challenging that any small patching required, turns into a major hurdle. The network personnel are petrified to touch just one patch cord in case another five are unintentionally disconnected. In today!ˉs reality where business continuity is super critical, the consequences of this can be dramatic.