Not everyone takes criticism well and for effective communication, this is also important just as feedback is. When you are receiving criticism ensure that your self image remains positive.Yes, the criticism may be harsh but you can accept this criticism while maintaining a positive sense of self and esteem. Take a mental note of the motive or intention of the critic so that you may know how to deal best with the information you are hearing. Criticism that is presented with the best intention of the critic can be accepted in the spirit in which it is being given. Carefully assess criticism that is offered with bad intent.When receiving criticism you will need to separate the emotions from the facts that the critic intends to convey. Do not respond to the emotion as this will quickly reduce the session into an argument. Identify the facts within the criticism and accept those.You may then respond to the information that is useful to you. As you would during a feedback session, ask questions during the critique to understand what the critic is trying to say to you. Once you are able to understand what is intended, you will be in a better able to respond effectively to this. No question should be out of bounds. If the intent is to clarify your understanding of the issue, then ask the question.