教师备课压力增大,系统网络授课经验不足。 “欲先善其事,必先利其器”,除去传统的备课业务,学会如何娴熟的使用网络平台与进行软件检查与调试成为摆在教师面前的首要难题。而面对难以预测的线上教学情况,为保证顺利开课万无一失,教师的每门课程都需要准备好Plan A, Plan B,甚至是Plan C,还需要做好提前统筹,确保每一道消息通知到位,确保每一个问题都能及时反馈,确保每一次课程的教学质量。
教師備課壓力增大,系統網絡授課經驗不足。<br> <br>“欲先善其事,必先利其器”,除去傳統的備課業務,學會如何嫻熟的使用網絡平台與進行軟件檢查與調試成為擺在教師面前的首要難題。而面對難以預測的線上教學情況,為保證順利開課萬無一失,教師的每門課程都需要準備好Plan A, Plan B,甚至是Plan C,還需要做好提前統籌,確保每一道消息通知到位,確保每一個問題都能及時反饋,確保每一次課程的教學質量。
教師備課壓力增大,系統網路授課經驗不足。<br> <br>"欲先善其事,必先利其器",除去傳統的備課業務,學會如何嫻熟的使用網络平臺與進行軟體檢查與調試成為擺在教師面前的首要難題。 而面對難以預測的線上教學情況,為保證順利開課萬無一失,教師的每門課程都需要準備好Plan A, Plan B,甚至是Plan C,還需要做好提前統籌,確保每一道消息通知到位,確保每一個問題都能及時反饋,確保每一次課程的教學品質。
The pressure on teachers to prepare lessons is increasing, and the experience of systematic network teaching is insufficient.<br>"If you want to do a good job first, you must first make use of its tools". In addition to the traditional lesson preparation business, learning how to skillfully use the network platform and carry out software inspection and debugging has become the primary problem in front of teachers. In the face of the unpredictable online teaching situation, in order to ensure the smooth start of the course, teachers need to prepare plan a, plan B, or even plan C for each course, and also need to make a good overall plan in advance to ensure that every news notice is in place, to ensure that every problem can be timely fed back, and to ensure the teaching quality of each course.<br>