Unfortunately, the error you are receiving does not come from Steam. Because of this, we are very limited on the support we can offer. We highly recommend reaching out to the developer of this game for further help. Only they would be able to help diagnose and repair issues with their game.With that being said, when a player is unable to connect to a server, it generally has to deal with their network connectivity. Network problems can be caused by a variety of things, so please go through our Troubleshooting Network Connectivity article for probable fixes even if it seems like your network is functioning correctly. We also recommend visiting our Required Ports for Steam article to ensure the required ports for Steam are open. Additionally, our diagnosing and reporting network problems article has information that will help you self-solve different network problems you may be experiencing.Steam Support is not really the best source for help with in-depth network troubleshooting. Many issues require someone to actually look at your machine or test your network and internet connection under a variety of circumstances, both of which we can't do here.If you can’t solve the problem with the information in the above articles, the best way to proceed is to try to determine if the problem is with your computer or network, and then talk to a local computer diagnosis/repair shop or your internet service provider respectively. Steam Support Floyd