A three-story building model (Fig. 17) was constructed to helpevaluate the capabilities of ARCABIM to process CDP workflowsand conduct an audit against a selected RKM. The BCM schemadescribed in this paper was used to generate the model view from he IFC version of the building model using a custom-built dataserializer in conjunction with the open source BIMserver.Initially, a number of simple CDP workflows were used to extractspecific information from the BCM and RKM to validate theircorrectness by manual comparison. Further tests were conductedusing more complex CDP workflows to perform calculations basedon parameters extracted from BCM and RKM and compare the resultwith manual calculations. ARCABIM was able to process alltest CDP workflows correctly with results matching that of manualcalculations. Figs. 18 and 19 show screenshots of the ARCABIMsystem