Ok. We found where the damp requirements in UL1598 list 0 C. We will be sending a stainless steel wire mesh to cover the ends of the tube that will not be subject to damage at 0 C. If we put the mesh inside of the end caps will we still need to do 10 Day corrosion testing If it is stainless steel or galvanized steel? If we put the mesh screen inside the ABS cap will it still pass even if it cracks at that low temperature but does not break since it will be reinforced?As for the plug question we need to do whatever it is that you say because we have customers that are very upset with us and how long it is taking us to get them their products. 1. If we identify a stainless steel mesh and it is inside the end cap will we still need to do corrosion testing on them2. If we put the mesh inside the end cap and it cracks but does not break at 0C will it pass3. If we accept whatever plug you are telling us has to be (125v?) because of the UL 153 then will the only thing stopping us from submitting to Hong Kong for approval be the end cap issue? Thank you