This took some doing. She had to move to a remote commu-nity, one not normally attractive to her and from which she intended to move iater on. I his job and community provided opportunities for a higher level of experience, with increased professional respect,licensing hours. colleagues more compatible with her, release from the big city rat race, and a clear base for getting another job later in a city where she wanted to live. She took this job with a measured eye for what would be best for her in the long run. However, even the short run was rewarding. Her visage was brighter, her language clearer. her clothes more self-respectful, and her anxiety practically gone. She was not even afraid of me anymore. But she couldn't live in this town forever; it was just not her city. When she complained about this, it became apparent that her restrictive sense of the present died hard; her myopic habits still led her to say that she didn't know what she was doing there. She knew very well what she was doing there——getting exactly what she planned to get. Actually, when she let go of her stereotypes about sterile towns, she found she was having the time of her life in this very town; she was active more fruitfully than ever right in the center of a new community, where what she did had personal impact and caused change. She also found excellent companionship. But what she had not found was a man to live with or marry, which she missed greatly. Nevertheless, although the future never reveals itself in visible line, it is clearly out there and she knows she is inexorably headed through it. Recently, a year after writing this, I received an announcement of her wedding.