The manual line scanner, MWS-6, is amanually operated scanner, mainly usedfor semi-automated inspection of com-posite materials . The scanner is an idealportable solution for random on-site spotchecks on erected blades .The MWS-6 is an ideal supplement to afull size scan, as you can pinpoint new ar-eas of concern in advance or go into depthwith those already known .Automated rotor blade scannerThe automated rotor blade scanner, AMS-64, is made for automated ultrasonic in-spection of selected areas on verticallyand horizontally oriented rotor blades . Itsprimary use is for on-site inspection; how-ever, it is also useable for spotwise inspec-tions during production or in laboratories .The scanner indicates delaminations, ad-hesive defects and dry areas .Automated track scannerThe automated track scanner, ATS-1, isused for automated bond-line inspectionon the main bonded joint between sparcaps and shear web flanges . The ATS-1indicates the bond-line width and any hid-den blister (void) within the bonding mate-rial . The scanner runs on a track attachedto the blade with suction pads, making thescanning process stable and accurate .Customised solutionsThe mentioned scanners are just someof our solutions . We have also created abroad range of customised production andon-site inspection solutions .If you did not find a solution matching yourneeds, please do not hesitate to contact us .