1. IntroductionMagnetic semiconductors[1, 2] have been pursued formore than 50 years because they combine two mainstreamcomponents of modern information technology, semiconductor for logic and magnetism for memory, within a single material. Owing to the capability of processing and retaining the logic states at the same time, a new type of computer made bymagnetic semiconductors could possess nonvolatility of data,high speed of processing and low energy consumption, potentially changing the way we use digital devices[3, 4]. Extensive experimental and theoretical works were thus devoted to this subject. According to the Web of Science, more than 21 thousands articles can be found out up to 2019 if the term “Magnetic semiconductors” was selected as research topic. As shownin Fig. 1, a research boom can be observed at 2009, where thenumber of articles was boosted almost 5 times more than tenyears before. There is no doubt that the study on magnetic semiconductors has evolved into an important field of physics andmaterials science